7 pio


Monte de Valcorchero is a natural area declared a protected landscape. It is an ecosystem inhabited by cork oaks, holm oaks and other species of trees that make up a unique natural space; due to its relief with curious granite outcrops, and vegetation of important landscape value that make this pastureland the ideal place for birdwatching.


The PIO points of Monte Valcorchero can be visited all year round, with spring and summer being recommended, when we can observe an incredible variety of birds. Autumn and winter are equally interesting due to the presence of wintering birds. Even so, throughout the year we can observe constant flights of birds of prey.


Any time of the day is perfect, we recommend morning, afternoon and evening to listen, among others, to the song of the nocturnal birds of prey.


Griffon vulture, Common buzzard, Booted eagle, Red kite, Black kite, Common kestrel, Egyptian vulture, Short-toed eagle, Black stork, European bee-eater, Hoopoe, Woodchat shrike, Woodchat shrike, Skylark, Great tit, Common raven, Black redstart, Wheatear, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Siskin, Blackbird, Blackbird, Linnet, Linnet, Red-legged Partridge, Robin, Common Chaffinch, Common Goldfinch, Dartford Warbler, Serin, Stonechat, European Turtle Dove, Greenfinch,…

Anything to improve?

6 pio


The Jerte reservoir is located approximately four kilometres from the city. It can be reached by car, but you can also walk to it along the PIO Corridor: La Isla – La Presa. La Presa is a landscape where two ecosystems with an important environmental value converge. On the one hand we have the slopes of holm oaks and cork oaks of Monte Valcorchero. And on the other we have the “innermost” generated by the reservoir. These characteristics make the variety of birds to observe very interesting. A telescope is required. And although we have indicated only one PIO point, the entire perimeter of the dam, together with the margins of the meadow, are ideal for birdwatching.


The PIO de la Presa can be visited all year round. Preferably in autumn and winter due to the abundant populations of ducks and waders that migrate to this area. Spring and summer are equally interesting, making this PIO a very important place for the concentration of birds, due to its aquatic ecosystem and proximity to Monte de Valcorchero. Another of the singularities of this place is that the wide visibility allows us to see a variety of birds of prey flying over the area.


Any time of the day is perfect, but we recommend morning and sunset..


European Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Skylark, Mallard, Mallard, Great Tit, Great Kestrel, Little Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Great Cormorant, Little Crake, Great Crow, Moorhen, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Barn Swallow, Dastardly Swallow, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Siskin, Eurasian Siskin, White Wagtail, Blackbird, Common Blackbird, Common Woodpigeon, Linnet, Red-legged Partridge, Robin, Common Chaffinch, Common Goldfinch, Dartford Warbler, Common Goldfinch, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Eurasian Stonechat, European Turtle Dove, Little Grebe…

Anything to improve?

5 pio


The San Lázaro Bridge is an ideal spot for watching small birds; the river Jerte and its banks make this PIO a perfect place to enjoy birding. With constant flights of different species of birds along the river. It is also a point of connection with the PIO del Cachón, which can be reached on foot along the river walk.


The San Lázaro PIO point can be visited all year round. Autumn and winter are preferable, due to the wintering birds. Spring and summer are equally interesting, where different species of birds gather due to the constant presence of water.


The best time for this PIO is in the morning and afternoon.


Great Tit, House Martin, House Martin, Crag martin, Wren, Blackcap, Blackcap, Blackcap, Grey Heron, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Barn Swallow, Dartford Swallow, House Martin, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Linnet…

Anything to improve?

4 pio


El Cachón is a ZEPA area, due to its ornithological richness. A wetland area with riverside vegetation, which form “islands” that encourage the presence of birds, especially small passerines, which will delight us with their song. The whole of the cachón is ideal for birdwatching. It is worth mentioning the roost that is generated in the cold periods where hundreds of Cattle Egrets and other birds congregate.


The Cachón PIO points can be visited all year round. Autumn and winter are ideal as the bird population increases with the presence of the wintering birds. Spring is very interesting, as well as summer; making this PIO a place of concentration of birds, due to the existing water.

Another of the singularities of this place is that the wide visibility allows us to see other birds, including large birds of prey that fly over the area in search of food or shelter.


Any time of the day is perfect, recommending morning and afternoon. And dusk to see the entrance to the roost during cold periods.


Mallard, Great Tit, Great Tit, White Stork, Great Cormorant, Blackcap, Blackcap, Spotless Starling, Moorhen, Cattle Egret, Grey Heron, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, House Martin, House Martin, Eurasian Jackdaw, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Yellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Blackbird, Blackbird, Titmouse, Linnet, Common Chaffinch, Common Chaffinch, Common Goldfinch, Common Stonechat, Magpie, Song Thrush…

Anything to improve?

3 pio


Foto del Parque de la Isla

The whole island is perfect for bird watching. This landscaped area with a large forest mass next to the river Jerte, with its woods and riverside vegetation, has created one of the best places for birdwatching. It should be pointed out that, although we have mentioned three spots on La Isla, the whole of this natural area is ideal for birdwatching.


The Island’s PIO sites can be visited all year round. Specifically in the cold periods (autumn-winter), the attraction is the wintering bird population, which increases the number and quality of birds that can be observed. Spring is another perfect time for observation, generated by the species that settle in the area to nest or feed.


Although we can go at any time of the day, it is true that the best times for birdwatching on the island are in the morning, at dawn and until midday. Dusk is also attractive, especially in spring, when we will hear nocturnal birds of prey such as owls and owlets.


Hoopoe, Short-toed Treecreeper, Mallard, Mallard, Great Tit, Wren, Great Cormorant, Blackcap, Blackcap, Moorhen, Grey Heron, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Eurasian Jackdaw, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Common Kingfisher, Blackbird, Blackbird, Spotted Tit, Chiffchaff, Eurasian Golden Oriole, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Common Woodpigeon, Linnet, Robin, Common Chaffinch, Common Chaffinch, Common Stonechat, Magpie, Song Thrush…

Anything to improve?