El Cachón is a ZEPA area, due to its ornithological richness. A wetland area with riverside vegetation, which form “islands” that encourage the presence of birds, especially small passerines, which will delight us with their song. The whole of the cachón is ideal for birdwatching. It is worth mentioning the roost that is generated in the cold periods where hundreds of Cattle Egrets and other birds congregate.


The Cachón PIO points can be visited all year round. Autumn and winter are ideal as the bird population increases with the presence of the wintering birds. Spring is very interesting, as well as summer; making this PIO a place of concentration of birds, due to the existing water.

Another of the singularities of this place is that the wide visibility allows us to see other birds, including large birds of prey that fly over the area in search of food or shelter.


Any time of the day is perfect, recommending morning and afternoon. And dusk to see the entrance to the roost during cold periods.


Mallard, Great Tit, Great Tit, White Stork, Great Cormorant, Blackcap, Blackcap, Spotless Starling, Moorhen, Cattle Egret, Grey Heron, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, House Martin, House Martin, Eurasian Jackdaw, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Yellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Blackbird, Blackbird, Titmouse, Linnet, Common Chaffinch, Common Chaffinch, Common Goldfinch, Common Stonechat, Magpie, Song Thrush…

Anything to improve?