Sala de Artesanía – Iglesia de la Magdalena

Tourist attractions  // Crafts Hall - Church of La Magdalena
Crafts Hall – Church of La Magdalena
  • C. Rincón de la Magdalena, 5, 10600 Plasencia, Cáceres
  • bSchedule
  • 927 761 231
The hall is located on an archaeological site where the Church of La Magdalena is located, which can now be visited.

The complex houses a centre for the promotion of Extremaduran crafts, which brings together, for sale and exhibition, objects made of ceramics, leather, cork and metal, among others. The hall belongs to a network of craft centres run by Artesanex located in Cáceres, Badajoz, Llerena and Villafranca de los Barros. Here we find a bakery dating from the 19th century, called “de los Bocanegra”, which consists of an oven of magnificent dimensions that was active until 1975. You can visit a Mozarabic silo, 1.40 metres deep, with ceramic remains from the 9th century.

The church of La Magdalena is the oldest in Plasencia. It has Mozarabic burials from the 9th century. The new Romanesque church was built over the remains of this hermitage in the 12th century, when Plasencia was already founded as such.

In its beginnings, the church of La Magdalena had three naves and therefore three apses. Its dimensions were rather small. Today only two apses remain, as in 1811 it was sacked and burnt down by Napoleon’s troops. Some paintings dating from the 16th century are still preserved along the interior wall of the chapel. Therefore, in a small space and despite the inclemency of the weather, we have a historical journey that goes from Mozarabic to Renaissance and Romanesque. A compendium of the art, history and culture of Pláceres.

When it was refurbished in 2008, glass was used to create a play of reflections without detracting from the medieval walls that can also be glimpsed here.


Undoubtedly one of the most magical and historic corners of the city of Plasencia, where you can see first-hand the best craftsmanship of Extremadura and at the same time one of the most interesting and hidden monuments in the city of Plasencia.

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Sala de Artesanía – Iglesia de la Magdalena

Tourist attractions  // Crafts Hall - Church of La Magdalena
Crafts Hall – Church of La Magdalena
  • Rincón de la Magdalena, 5
  • 927 761 231
  • Winter: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00-14:00 and 16:30-19:30
  • Summer: Wednesday to Saturday 10:00-14:00 and 17:30-20:30
The hall is located on an archaeological site where the Church of La Magdalena is located, which can now be visited.

The complex houses a centre for the promotion of Extremaduran crafts, which brings together, for sale and exhibition, objects made of ceramics, leather, cork and metal, among others. The hall belongs to a network of craft centres run by Artesanex located in Cáceres, Badajoz, Llerena and Villafranca de los Barros. Here we find a bakery dating from the 19th century, called “de los Bocanegra”, which consists of an oven of magnificent dimensions that was active until 1975. You can visit a Mozarabic silo, 1.40 metres deep, with ceramic remains from the 9th century.

The church of La Magdalena is the oldest in Plasencia. It has Mozarabic burials from the 9th century. The new Romanesque church was built over the remains of this hermitage in the 12th century, when Plasencia was already founded as such.

In its beginnings, the church of La Magdalena had three naves and therefore three apses. Its dimensions were rather small. Today only two apses remain, as in 1811 it was sacked and burnt down by Napoleon’s troops. Some paintings dating from the 16th century are still preserved along the interior wall of the chapel. Therefore, in a small space and despite the inclemency of the weather, we have a historical journey that goes from Mozarabic to Renaissance and Romanesque. A compendium of the art, history and culture of Pláceres.

When it was refurbished in 2008, glass was used to create a play of reflections without detracting from the medieval walls that can also be glimpsed here.


Undoubtedly one of the most magical and historic corners of the city of Plasencia, where you can see first-hand the best craftsmanship of Extremadura and at the same time one of the most interesting and hidden monuments in the city of Plasencia.

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7 pio


Monte de Valcorchero is a natural area declared a protected landscape. It is an ecosystem inhabited by cork oaks, holm oaks and other species of trees that make up a unique natural space; due to its relief with curious granite outcrops, and vegetation of important landscape value that make this pastureland the ideal place for birdwatching.


The PIO points of Monte Valcorchero can be visited all year round, with spring and summer being recommended, when we can observe an incredible variety of birds. Autumn and winter are equally interesting due to the presence of wintering birds. Even so, throughout the year we can observe constant flights of birds of prey.


Any time of the day is perfect, we recommend morning, afternoon and evening to listen, among others, to the song of the nocturnal birds of prey.


Griffon vulture, Common buzzard, Booted eagle, Red kite, Black kite, Common kestrel, Egyptian vulture, Short-toed eagle, Black stork, European bee-eater, Hoopoe, Woodchat shrike, Woodchat shrike, Skylark, Great tit, Common raven, Black redstart, Wheatear, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Siskin, Blackbird, Blackbird, Linnet, Linnet, Red-legged Partridge, Robin, Common Chaffinch, Common Goldfinch, Dartford Warbler, Serin, Stonechat, European Turtle Dove, Greenfinch,…

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6 pio


The Jerte reservoir is located approximately four kilometres from the city. It can be reached by car, but you can also walk to it along the PIO Corridor: La Isla – La Presa. La Presa is a landscape where two ecosystems with an important environmental value converge. On the one hand we have the slopes of holm oaks and cork oaks of Monte Valcorchero. And on the other we have the “innermost” generated by the reservoir. These characteristics make the variety of birds to observe very interesting. A telescope is required. And although we have indicated only one PIO point, the entire perimeter of the dam, together with the margins of the meadow, are ideal for birdwatching.


The PIO de la Presa can be visited all year round. Preferably in autumn and winter due to the abundant populations of ducks and waders that migrate to this area. Spring and summer are equally interesting, making this PIO a very important place for the concentration of birds, due to its aquatic ecosystem and proximity to Monte de Valcorchero. Another of the singularities of this place is that the wide visibility allows us to see a variety of birds of prey flying over the area.


Any time of the day is perfect, but we recommend morning and sunset..


European Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Skylark, Mallard, Mallard, Great Tit, Great Kestrel, Little Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Great Cormorant, Little Crake, Great Crow, Moorhen, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Barn Swallow, Dastardly Swallow, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Siskin, Eurasian Siskin, White Wagtail, Blackbird, Common Blackbird, Common Woodpigeon, Linnet, Red-legged Partridge, Robin, Common Chaffinch, Common Goldfinch, Dartford Warbler, Common Goldfinch, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Eurasian Stonechat, European Turtle Dove, Little Grebe…

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5 pio


The San Lázaro Bridge is an ideal spot for watching small birds; the river Jerte and its banks make this PIO a perfect place to enjoy birding. With constant flights of different species of birds along the river. It is also a point of connection with the PIO del Cachón, which can be reached on foot along the river walk.


The San Lázaro PIO point can be visited all year round. Autumn and winter are preferable, due to the wintering birds. Spring and summer are equally interesting, where different species of birds gather due to the constant presence of water.


The best time for this PIO is in the morning and afternoon.


Great Tit, House Martin, House Martin, Crag martin, Wren, Blackcap, Blackcap, Blackcap, Grey Heron, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Barn Swallow, Dartford Swallow, House Martin, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Goldfinch, White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Linnet…

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