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Foto del exterior de la Catedral

Plasencia is also one of the few SPAs within an urban area. The reason for declaring it a special bird protection area is due to the colonies of Lesser Kestrels that have settled in several of the city’s historic buildings to breed. It is very easy to observe the flights and siftings of this small falcon. The vast majority of urban birds that live here find these buildings to be perfect “stone moles” for nesting.


The PIO point of the Cathedral can be visited from December when the White Storks start to arrive. It is in March when the Lesser Kestrels begin to arrive at their nesting sites. Birdwatching is interesting until the end of summer.


This place is interesting to visit both in the morning and at dusk, where we can observe the arrival of the small falcons, the lesser kestrels, and the flight of the storks.


In the PIO of the Cathedral, we can observe the colony of Lesser Kestrels, White Storks, Jackdaws, Ravens, House Sparrows, Black Redstarts, Common Swifts, House Martin, Barn Swallows…

Anything to improve?

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Within the town centre we have a PIO at the confluence of several historic buildings: Santo Domingo, Palacio Mirabel, the Parador, San Nicolás… Places where colonies of Lesser Kestrels and White Storks live. This PIO is home to one of the most numerous Lesser Kestrel colonies. 


The Santo Domingo PIO point can be visited mainly from February onwards, although the White Storks are usually here at the end of December. It is at the beginning of March when the Lesser Kestrels fly over their colonies again and again. It is a spectacle both visually and sonorously. 


Although we can go at any time of the day, it is true that the best time for birdwatching is in the morning and in the afternoon, when all the members of the Lesser Kestrel and White Stork colonies are grouped together. 


In the PIO of Santo Domingo, we will be able to observe: Lesser Kestrel, White Stork, Jackdaw, House Sparrow, Black Redstart, Common Swift, House Martin, Barn Swallow…. 

Anything to improve?