Tourist attractions // New Bridge
Puente Nuevo
  • De la Vera Avenue

This bridge, more than 500 years old, is called Puente Nuevo (New Bridge) because it was the only platform in the city for almost 480 years, although it could also be called Puente de la Reina (Queen’s Bridge) due to the interest that Isabel the Catholic put in this work of extreme necessity for Plasencia and its land. It was in 1512 when the union of 16 municipalities, together with Plasencia and the Cathedral Chapter resulted in the construction of a stone bridge over the river Jerte, which is still enjoyed by the people of Plasencia and other inhabitants of the north of Extremadura. It replaced a wooden bridge, which had previously replaced a masonry bridge. The New Bridge has no replacement.

“The construction of the New Bridge is a symbol of the unity of Upper Extremadura”, according to the mayor of Plácido, Fernando Pizarro.

It was Rodrigo Alemán, an artist who worked on the cathedral and who is said to be the first man to fly in Spain, who was commissioned to carry out this “great work of engineering”, which took 12 years to build, and which was open to traffic until about a decade ago.

The bridge is of ashlar masonry, in a double-slope layout, and in the centre is a small temple dedicated to the Virgin Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza, depicted offering the Child a dove in granite and polychrome carving.

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