Tourist attractions  // San Antón Park

San Antón Park

  • Av. Juan Carlos I, 24
  • Open 24 hours
  • Free

The park is actually called Gabriel y Galán because it is dedicated to the Castilian poet José María Gabriel y Galán, although many locals are unaware of its name and name it after the San Antón aqueduct that flanks it. 

The park forms part of the belt of parks in Plasencia that begins at the Torre Lucia park and ends at the Coronación and Los Pinos. It is a beautiful and secluded park located in the highest part of the city and is made up of two parts: one with exceptional views of the Sierra de Santa Bárbara, and the second, framed on one side by the Coronacion park and on the other by the great construction of the San Antón aqueduct.

Inside there are several curiosities: the “Fuente Rosa” (Pink Fountain) named after the stone that covers it, the sculpture of Gabriel y Galán and the sculpture in homage to D. Calixto Payan y Vargas, Marquis of La Constancia and founder of the school for orphaned children of San Calixto.

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