Tourist attractions  // Carvajal Girón Palace

Carvajal Girón Palace

  • Plaza Ansano, 1
  • bSchedule
  • 927 42 63 26

After the expulsion from La Mota, the synagogue was moved to the Plaza de Ansano and Calle Santa Isabel, where the Palacio de Carvajal Girón stands today. A synagogue that would only function for 20 years, until the definitive expulsion of the Jews in 1492.
As was the case with the La Mota Jewish quarter, the new synagogue suffered the persecution imposed by the Christians in the Law of the Cortes of 1480. This situation continued until the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.
The Plaza de Ansano, Calle de Santa Isabel, the convent of Santa Clara and Calle Trujillo were the limits of the new space set aside for the Jewish quarter.
The new synagogue was located between houses 12-14 Trujillo Street and Ansano Square. It was accessible from both streets, in fact it is assumed that the reason it had two doors was so that men could enter through one (the one in the Plaza de Ansano) and women through the other (Calle Trujillo).

When the Jewish people of Plasencia were expelled or converted, this new synagogue was ceded to the Cabildo by the Catholic Queen. The aim was to build a place for worship in its place, and so the church of Santa Isabel was born.
When the church was burnt down in 1542 during the Communist War, the site was used by one of the most influential families, the Carvajal Girón family, to build their palace.

Today, the Carvajal Giron Palace has been renovated, preserving not only its original structure, but also numerous traces of the passage of history that have been experienced inside. You can visit, enter the interior and even stay in this fantastic place.

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