Tourist attractions  // Church of San Salvador
  • Plaza del Salvador, 7D
  • Monday to Friday (except Thursday): 12:15 - 13:15 / 19:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday: 19:00 - 20:00
  • Sunday: 09:30 - 13:30 / 20:30 - 21:30
  • 927 42 22 67

The Church of San Salvador gives its name to the square where it is located and to one of the shutters of the wall, given its proximity.

San Salvador is one of the original parishes of the city of Plasencia and is Romanesque in style, although it culminates in Gothic due to the different reconstructions over the centuries.

The only nave, with a wooden roof, was ruined in 1774 and was restored for 14 years by the Franciscan master builder Fray Andres Hernandez, with a brick structure. The last reconstruction of the church of El Salvador de Plasencia took place in the 18th century due to the collapse of the roof and the central nave was restored with rough vaults. The main doorway is simple with a pointed arch and three archivolts, without decorations.

Inside, the austerity of the altar stands out, as well as the various burial sites, such as that of the Los Moretas family, a chapel founded by Hernán López de Moreta, mayor of the fortress married to Inés de Trejo.
The last was in the 21st century that of Bishop Cipriano Calderon Polo, founder of L’Observatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican.

In addition, the church of San Salvador houses the images of Our Lady of the Fifth Anguish in polychrome wood (16th century), and Our Lady of the Port, in alabaster, from the 15th century.

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