Tourist attractions  // House of the Dean and Dr Trujillo

Dean’s House and Dr. Trujillo

  • Catedral Square, 6
  • Open 24 hours a day

The Dean’s House and Doctor Trujillo’s House look like the same building but they are two different ones, although they were joined at the beginning of the 20th century to become the seat of the Palace of Justice. Both are contemporary.

The house of the Dean, built in the 17th century in neoclassical style, has the most emblematic corner coat of arms of the city and belongs to the Paniagua and Loaisa family, with five roses which gives rise to the surname Loaisa, and the sow under the holm oak and the Fleur de Lis of the Paniagua surname.

The house of Doctor Trujillo, a mixture of two architectural styles, Plateresque and Gothic, was built between the 14th and 16th centuries. In the upper part there is a gallery with six arches, and on the ground floor it preserves the beautiful ironwork of the period. Its name comes from the Archdeacon of Trujillo, Alfonso Fernández de Medina, who lived here in the 15th century.

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